God's passion for you, it's all about you! President Bush, Iraq, Patriot Heroes & Troops: Our forefathers would applaud! |
The Sign of Jonah explained, God's message is heard
Islam Induction in
our Public School Textbooks Quotes of Quran, Hadiths, Koran about infidels BlessedCause Footwashing Ministries Hearing God & Personally Witnessed Miracles Free Original Christian Art, Music & Sculpture How Clinton, ACLU rigged Religious Guidelines & U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton Thank you to all vets, our troops and military! God BLESS and lead you! John Walker Lindh & California school proselytizing Islam proselytized in Public School |
"A Message of Ancient Days" Page 5 (go to Page 1) III. USAGE COMPARISON OF COMPELLING RELIGIOUS WORDS
In addition, the following descriptives are used in the Islam unit compellingly about Islam's beliefs, but nothing close to comparable in the Christian or Judaism Units: “Compassionate, merciful, purity, calm and faith, inspired leader, reverence, spiritual leader, inspired leader, join Allah in heaven, feel Allah’s invisible presence, divinely guided successor, strong sense of spiritual authority, great cultural flowering, talented military leaders, closer to deity, something extraordinary occurred, something more far reaching happened, trembling, overcome with joy, pressed by an angel, bowing, kneeling, shimmer in light, called to, guiding rules, reverence, good dreams, unique customs, authentic sources.” Criteria differs with Judaism, so I compared all words that involved interaction with God or Allah. I left out some rituals, i.e. much about Mecca and pilgrimage is omitted.
Words of interaction Something is really rotten here. And look at these qualifiers. Just as with the Christian comparison, there are LESS qualifiers with much more text. Previous Page ( 5 ) Next PageGo to Home page Printer Friendly Version |