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Stock Markets, Shopping Malls & Sprinklers of
By Jen Shroder
10/2/10 free to repost
Six years ago I posted my only public prophetic dream and forgot
about it. Since then, the U.S. deficit has skyrocketed to $13
trillion, a gas explosion ripped through San Bruno, PG&E is grimly
investigating old gas pipelines lacing California while the "Pacific
Ring of Fire" it sits on is looking pretty active on US Geological
Meanwhile youtube displays videos of Islam claiming San Bruno was the
will of Allah.
It’s not Allah we should be concerned about. The Sept. 9th
explosion is not the fulfillment of the following dream, just a
precursor of what is coming and is. Excerpts from what was
previously posted :
"In Revelation, John speaks dramatically of great mountains
burning, angels, the four winds of the earth and a sea of glass like
unto crystal... Wow.
So what was my dream? What dramatic wonder did I see? What
glorious majestic vision can I poetically describe of what I saw?
(hanging head) ...A
shopping mall.
I rarely shop. I haven't "hung out" at the mall since I was a
teenager. There aren't any out here in the sticks where I live and
it's the LAST place I would want to write about having a dream of.
Give me clouds, give me fiery horses, let me write about Jesus, but
please God, a shopping mall??? I'm already mocked so much!
But it was a shopping mall.
As soon as I realized where I was, what I think was an angel
came to me and said, "Leave this place." …I started to leave,
sensing the seriousness of it, and suddenly I was standing on the
outside watching the mall destroyed. Big heavy walls of concrete and
brick, broken glass, it all became a twisting of rubble. It didn't
take very long at all. I looked down at the grass and I knew fire
was coming from the... (I don't care what it sounds like) sprinkler
system. I saw people running around frantic, so I pulled up one of
the sprinklers and tried to stop it by tying a knot in the thin
white plastic pipe it was attached to, and suddenly he was there and
he said, "There is someone else who is coming." I felt a compelling
of not to go there, not to do that, it was like a warning, a
caution, a strong "don't go there, stay" compelling.
I cannot describe what it felt like when he spoke. It was like
every part of your being knew it was true, there was no confusing
worldly knowledge, there was no doubt, there was a calmness and you
knew with every fiber of your soul that what he spoke was the truth,
it had weight, it was safe but his warning was dire. Then I woke up.
It seems to me this shopping mall represents America's
commerce, completely destroyed. The fire in the sprinklers is the
wrath that is coming.
"There is someone else who is coming." Don't go there, stay.
…I realized, (wince), maybe I shouldn't have tried to stop the
fire coming from the sprinklers...? I mean, who am I to try to alter
things... "
To read the dream in it’s entirety, go to
Any web archive will verify the
content and date.
Fast forward to today, and I’ve been trying to tie a knot at the
onset of Islam and homegrown tyranny. Last week I struggled to submit
a column about Islam in our textbooks. I’m not supposed to "go there"
any more. I’m not supposed to try to stop what’s coming. After so much
research of violent Islam, I have to lay that down and write, "Don’t
blame the Muslims, we brought this on ourselves."
After murdering millions of the unborn, we have now begun to fund
abortion worldwide. Words cannot express the horror of that much blood
on our hands. We are infecting the world with idolatry, pornography,
perversion, spiritual assaults on children, the stain of sin spreading
the darkness leads back to US as our leaders pressure Israel to lay
down and die.
I know what I sound like. I expect to be ignored at best or
condemned and ridiculed by both right and left just like pastors were
after 911. Nothing good will come of this for me, but it still has to
be said. And somehow God has a way of making it heard, I have NO idea
how so much of what I write makes it to the top of Google. "A message
from God" brings you to my website in the first few slots without
preferential settings. It doesn’t matter if no one listens, I have to
"stay" with the message:
America, don’t blame the Muslims, we brought this on ourselves.
To the born-again Christian, though Islam rises up against you,
love the Muslim as Christ loved the Roman soldier that drove the nails
through His hands and feet. Forgive the Muslim and the atheist, they
do not know the darkness that has possessed them nor the consequences
as they try to infect our children. The God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob will judge. Hold close to your families and keep watch. Look at
the signs on the fig tree, our Redeemer is near.
See also:
Part 1: "Mosques, Muslims and
I am clearly not supposed to write against Islam any longer but rather why
America is in trouble, it is us. It will not be a popular message. I
might get dropped by publishers, my webstats might plummet, but it
doesn't matter. It's what I have to post.
A Message from God
Blow the trumpets,
weep for our children!
All things in Christ (old posts at top of google)
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