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Does the Truth Matter?
by AndyTLI can remember not too long ago when it was all the rage
in America for liberals to tout one of their favorite bumper sticker
slogans, "Bush lied; people died." These statements were
passionately fueled by the fires of the anti-Bush movement and
starkly pointed towards the soon to be "unpopular" war in Iraq. But
was it solely George W. Bush who laid claim to the presence of
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? And did he lie about them? Or
were we misled by the media?
There are several reports by prominent sources and speculation by
others indicating that it was not a matter of “if” but “where” these
weapons were transferred. However, it is not my intent to vindicate
those making the claims but rather to bring to attention our need as
“We the people” to honestly evaluate each and every political figure
not based on race or political party, but based on moral integrity
and factual evidence. Often, we get so wrapped up in what we want to
be true that we miss the actual truth.
To answer the first question, “Was it solely George W. Bush who laid
claim to the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?” here
are a few quotes made by members of the opposing party of whom were
fervent critics of President Bush.
John Kerry: "Why is Saddam Hussein attempting to develop nuclear
weapons when most nations don't even try? ... According to
intelligence, Iraq has chemical and biological weapons ... Iraq is
developing unmanned aerial vehicles capable of delivering chemical
and biological warfare agents..." (Oct. 9, 2002)
Wesley Clark: "He [Hussein] does have weapons of mass
destruction." When asked, "And you could say that
categorically?" Clark responded: "Absolutely." (on CNN, Jan. 18,
2003). On finding the alleged weapons Clark said: "I think they
will be found. There's so much intelligence on this." (on CNN,
April 2, 2003) [www.fair.org/press-releases/clark-antiwar.html,
Nanci Pelosi: When asked by Joe Feuerherd of the National Catholic
Reporter about her statement, “Our enemies have openly declared
that they are seeking weapons of mass destruction, and evidence
indicates that they are doing so with determination … America will
act against such emerging threats before they are fully formed,”
and whether or not she supported the “Bush Doctrine” of
preemption, Pelosi responded, “Stopping the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction has been a pillar of our national
policy for a long time. It is essential that we do that. We have
looked the other way too many times when countries have been
developing or proliferating technology or weapons of mass
destruction…we’ve looked the other way for commercial reasons, for
political reasons, for whatever reasons, but we’ve looked the
other way. So I fully commend the president for placing a value, a
high priority, on stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction.” (National Catholic Reporter, January 22, 2003)
Yes, I know, the knee jerk response from many of you will be that
they were misled. Okay, suppose they were. However, this supposition
would lead to the question, “By whom were they misled?” which would
ultimately lead back to the prior administration of President Bill
Clinton who had the following to say on “Larry King Live” in July of
"When I left office, there was a substantial amount of biological
and chemical material unaccounted for."
The Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso recalled
speaking with Clinton later that year saying that, "When Clinton was
here recently he told me he was absolutely convinced, given
his years in the White House and the access to privileged
information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass
destruction until the end of the Saddam regime."
Of course, we may never fully know what else Clinton knew on this
issue since many top secret documents were stolen and shredded by
Clinton’s National Security Advisor Sandy Burger prior to the 911
Investigation Commission’s investigation.
Fast forward several years and we find ourselves sitting at yet
another important threshold in history with the decision of
universal health care. In spite of the massive public disapproval of
the current proposal, liberals are calling for implementation of the
“nuclear option” (also known as the 50 plus 1 vote). Not too long
ago, conservatives contemplated using the same option and were met
with the following remarks by those now supporting the idea.
Barack Obama 4/25/05: “The President hasn’t gotten his way. And
that is now prompting a change in the Senate rules that really I
think would change the character of the Senate forever…what I
worry about would be that you essentially still have two chambers
the House and the Senate but you have simply majoritarian absolute
power on either side, and that’s just not what the founders
Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “So this president has come to the
majority here in the Senate and basically said ‘change the rules.’
‘Do it the way I want it done.’ And I guess there just weren’t
very many voices on the other side of the isle that acted the way
previous generations of senators have acted and said ‘Mr.
President we are with you, we support you, but that’s a bridge too
far we can’t go there.’ You have to restrain yourself Mr.
Charles Schumer 5/18/2005: “We are on the precipice of a
crisis, a constitutional crisis. The checks and balances which
have been at the core of this Republic are about to be evaporated
by the nuclear option. The checks and balances which say that if
you get 51% of the vote you don’t get your way 100% of the time.
It is amazing it’s almost a temper tantrum.
Harry Reid 5/18/2005: “Mr. President the right to extended debate
is never more important than the one party who controls congress
and the white house. In these cases the filibuster serves as a
check on power and preserves our limited government.”
Dianne Feinstein 5/18/2005: The nuclear option if successful will
turn the Senate into a body that could have its rules broken at
any time by a majority of senators unhappy with any position taken
by the minority. It begins with judicial nominations. Next will be
executive appointments and then legislation.
Joe Biden 5/23/2005: This nuclear option is ultimately an
example of the arrogance of power. It is a fundamental power
Harry Reid 5/18/2005: “But no we are not going to follow the
Senate rules. No, because of the arrogance of power of this
Republican administration.”
Chris Dodd 5/18/2005: “I’ve never passed a single bill worth
talking about that didn’t have a lead co sponsor that was a
Republican. And I don’t know of a single piece of legislation
that’s ever been adopted here that didn’t have a Republican and
Democrat in the lead. That’s because we need to sit down and work
with each other. The rules of this institution have required that.
That’s why we exist. Why have a bicameral legislative body? Why
have two chambers? What were the framers thinking about 218 years
ago? They understood Mr. President that there is a tyranny of the
Dianne Feinstein 5/18/2005: “If the Republican leadership insists
on forcing the nuclear option the senate becomes ipso facto the
House of Representatives where the majority rules supreme and the
party of power can dominate and control the agenda with absolute
Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “You’ve got majority rule and then you
have the senate over here where people can slow things down where
they can debate where they have something called the filibuster.
You know it seems like it’s a little less than efficient -- well
that’s right it is. And deliberately designed to be so.”
Joe Biden 5/23/05: “I say to my friends on the Republican side
you may own the field right now buy you won’t own it forever I
pray God when the Democrats take back control we don't make the
kind of naked power grab you are doing.”
Charles Schumer 5/23/2005: “They want their way every single time.
And they will change the rules, break the rules, and misread the
constitution so that they will get their way.”
Hillary Clinton 5/23/2005: “The Senate is being asked to turn
itself inside out, to ignore the precedent to ignore the way our
system has work, the delicate balance that we have obtain that has
kept this constitution system going, for immediate gratification
of the present President.”
Max Baucus 5/19/2005: “This is the way Democracy ends. Not with
a bomb but with a gavel.”
So I leave you with these final questions. Does the truth matter?
Or is it subject to the desired outcome of the tyrannical few?
Will America stand or fall? I believe this question hinges solely
upon our ability to isolate the facts from what we desire the
outcome to be. Politicians will continue to speak deceitfully from
both sides of the isle, but their destiny lies in the hands of the
American people for the time being. We must not remain silent, but
remember what really matters when it comes to speaking up.