"After Ramadan, Slay the
by Jen Shroder
Permission to repost at will
Excuse me, but...is anyone aware that according to Islam’s holy
book, the Quran, terrorists are forbidden from attacking us until
after Ramadan, which ends around November 14th? We are
lowering terror alerts for financial institutions in New York,
Washington and New Jersey just before the end of Ramadan? Is our
government completely oblivious to actual religious beliefs of Islam?
"When the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters
wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and
lie in wait for them in every ambush." (Koran 9:5)
There were rumors of a terrorist attack before the elections, which
I thought was odd considering this verse. So when Osama Bin Laden
merely warned us and tried to influence the election verbally, it made
sense. Osama is following the Koran. He always has. If he and his
henchmen are so attuned with their religious beliefs that they strap
on bombs and blow themselves up to be martyrs for Allah, why do we
doubt November 14th might be a day to, well, notice?
Actually, it’s a little difficult to determine exactly what day
Ramadan is over, something that one would think to be at the touch of
a keyboard. Let’s see—"when the sacred month is over, start slaying."
That’s not hard to comprehend, and why is it so hard to find an exact
date of Muslim celebrations for this event? Are attacks strategized
according to the crescent moon too?
Personally, I’d feel a whole lot better about it if people were
worried. I have always kept in mind that Paul wrote in the New
Testament that sudden destruction will come when everyone is saying
"peace and safety." (1 Thes 5:1-3) So when America goes to orange
alert, that’s when I kick off my shoes and relax.
As a Christian, fear doesn’t really have an impact for me. But,
it’s kind of surprising that there is not a hint of concern from the
liberals. Are they saying, "Peace and safety"? Maybe they are too
preoccupied making hysterical claims that President Bush didn’t win
because of Christianity, trying to diffuse the obvious Christian heart
of our nation. Maybe they’re preoccupied with calling Christians
"dumb" and "moronic," defending their liberal views and blaming the
loss of the election on Kerry’s packaging and delivery.
Meanwhile, Ramadan is over in three days and we’re lowering our
guard. It’s probably because the financial institutions are located in
states that voted for Kerry and Bin Laden promised he wouldn’t attack
them. Bin Laden also can’t attack California and New York, where all
the city slickers live. Bin Laden must be having a good time plotting
how he’s going to bomb the potato fields of Idaho or the snow caps of
the Alaskan tundra, both homes of strong supporters for President
Bush. Yep, Bin Laden will be skipping densely populated cities for the
wheat fields of Kansas. Family farmers with traditional values will
have to run and hide while the liberal states that are so offensive to
the Middle East will be spared.
Bin Laden must be in a real quandary. Cities like San Francisco and
Hollywood are replete with abortion activists, gay parades,
pornography, the festering cities of America all succumbed to Bin
Laden’s threats and obeyed him. How is Bin Laden going to orchestrate
a coup de taut on America’s heartland without hurting his faithful
Kerry fans of the coast?
Maybe we can feel secure because our troops have completely engaged
the terrorists in Fallujia (May God save and bless our
troops!) Or maybe our
government is banking on Bin Laden following the method of Muhammad
more than the Koran, because their role model ignored his own orders
from Allah when he slaughtered and celebrated his first major battle
in 624 AD at the start of Ramadan. Ahhh, those were peaceful times.
Perhaps that is why Muhammad’s followers peacefully struck the
international Red Cross headquarters during Ramadan in Baghdad last
year, leaving 40 dead and 200 wounded. I wonder if the nobility of
suicide bombers will be written in America’s history books, as they
write about the nobility of Muhammad today?
Okay, I’ll go along, "peace and safety." Except when we say that,
the Bible says disaster will strike. Quick, somebody wake up the
liberals, President Bush is still in office, disaster is at hand, why
are you quiet? WAKE UP! There is a corncob in Kansas that needs you!
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Jen Shroder is in a strange mood after arguing with her son’s
teacher and principal about making her son’s class create African
masks that capture souls and spirits. She apologizes in advance for
this column...but it is odd no one has noticed a connection between
the Koran, Ramadan, terrorist beliefs, and the possibility of