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From Clinton's "35
Religious Groups"
Anti-Defamation League
From their website:
Religious Liberty
ADL regards the separation of church and state
as essential to preserving religious freedom in our
increasingly pluralistic society, and our work in this area is an
integral part of the League's mission. Recent efforts to undermine
church-state separation have prompted the implementation of a new
ADL action plan to safeguard religious liberty. ADL's church-state
publications, including a handbook and a color poster on the ABCs
of Religion in the Public Schools, and pamphlets on related issues
(The Case Against 'Charitable Choice,' School Vouchers: The Wrong
Choice for Public Education, and The Creationism Controversy).
The League's Education Division is comprised of
five programmatic departments: the A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE®
Institute offers anti-bias training to prepare students, adults
and other community members to meet the challenges of an
increasingly diverse world; Educational Policy and Programs
conducts curricular and textbook review, and produces materials
that promote church-state separation;
Back to "35
Religious Groups" of Clinton