Kerry: Proposing a Government of
Baby-blood-sucking Vampires
I was returning "Van Helsing" to the video store, I heard a radio host
discuss the possibility of Nancy Pelosi as "Speaker of the House"
(gasp). Compound that with the ghastly idea
of Hillary Clinton appointed to the Supreme Court by (gag) President
Kerry. I shuddered at the thought of such a blood-sucking government
and realized these images were not far from the vampires I just saw on
"Van Helsing."
Memories of the screeching vampires, cackling and laughing in the
most grotesque bodies I’d ever control of the White House
and our nation, literally drinking the blood of aborted babies they so
passionately fight to slaughter.
I reflect on the words of Edwards in his debate with Cheney, "John
Kerry fought for our nation as a young man and he will do the same as
So John Kerry will last about four months before he cuts and runs.
Will he run to the United Nations and snivel about America as he ran
to the Congress and complained about the troops? Will Kerry betray the
American people as he betrayed the Vietnam Vets? That seems to be what
Edwards promises. Kerry came back from the war complaining about other
soldiers murdering babies. Apparently we can expect the same as Kerry
remains loyal to abortion rights, a legal form of the atrocities he
accused the troops of.
What kind of monster would applaud a procedure of pushing an infant
back into the womb, crushing its skull and sucking its brains out? I
have always found it suspicious that the baby brain is conveniently
isolated during this vacuum procedure before the disposal of the
infant. What happens to the baby’s brain? Is there a demand for it? A
price to be paid?
Dr. Charles Baldwin says yes. He wrote, "Our country has sunk to
its lowest moral depth yet by harvesting and selling body parts from
aborted babies. That's right. An entire industry has grown out of
killing unborn children. Not only are the baby butchers collecting
millions of dollars from this hideous practice, so are baby-parts
wholesalers." (see
David Kupelian wrote, "In his agony, the baby had bitten through
his own tongue, no doubt while his head, grasped by forceps, was being
literally ripped off his body. The little boy had an incision where
other organs had apparently been removed – evidence that someone had
sought more profit from the baby's death than the $1,800 the abortion
had cost." (see
I’d like to see a truthful photo-op of Kerry, Hillary, Pelosi and
Ed Kennedy holding up for applause the decimated body parts of aborted
babies as they hold out their hands for cash. The truth would be more
grotesque than all the make-up and special effects in Van Helsing, and
much more wicked. Kerry and his group are nothing more than
blood-sucking vampires. If America freely votes them into office, then
our nation will stand ready for judgment. Don’t blame the terrorists,
North Korea or any other nation that we fear will attack us. We
already have the blood of our children on our hands, put there by
tyrannical judges. If we vote for those who would openly continue this
process, or fail to vote and allow this to happen, we will have
no one to blame but ourselves.
by Jen Shroder
10/27/04 Permission granted to repost
See Celsius 41.11 Trailer!