3/1/05 response to "World O' C...." traffic below. See
also the "Message
from God"
Many have accused me of not understanding my webstats,
especially when I say the IAEA linked to my website, so let me be perfectly
My webhost has many webstat features. If I look at who has visited
my site in the past hour, I can read particulars such as this:
Host: |
/6th_1.htm |
Http Code : 200 |
Date: Sep 09 10:42:40 |
Http Version: HTTP/1.0" |
Size in Bytes: 13063 |
http://www.iaea.org |
Agent: Mozilla/3.0
(compatible) |
"Referer" does not mean the provider of the visitor, it means the
location of where the link IS. I know this to be true because I have
followed the link and found links back to me coming from
websites, I have found
sites trying to direct people of how to try and find my physical
home address, and I have found dozens of liberal sites using up my
bandwidth to display pictures on my site, on their own site.
This can get a little fun (except God tells us not to be haughty
and sometimes it’s hard...). Many liberal sites had linked to my site
to mock the picture of President Bush with George Washington and
Abraham Lincoln.
(click here for enlarged image)
So I changed the picture on my site, which instantly changed
the image on dozens of liberal sites. Now liberal sites describing the
image made no sense whatsoever with their article, and instead they
were faced with a warning from God.
Oped News failed to remove the changed image for MONTHS. I never
would have known about all of these sites linking to mine if I didn't
back track through my "Referer" feature. Unfortunately Oped News
eventually discovered it and replaced it, ruining my demonstration,
however "World O' C..." has recovered it by posting the image on
3/1/05, which I also changed to respond:
http://blogs.salon.com/0002874/. No, I do not keep tabs on sites
like World O', but it's easy to see traffic flow and from which sites,
just as it showed the IAEA referring to my textbook reviews. Thanks
World O', for further demonstrating the procedure and proof.
Previous webstat sample:
Some have vehemently criticized me for changing lib websites, claiming my changing
of them was underhanded. My response to that is, "If you
don’t like what you’re swallowing, get out of my refrigerator." These
liberal sites are perfectly capable of copy/pasting the image of
President Bush and linking it to their own site, but they didn’t. They
used up my bandwidth instead to generate the image on thousands of
computers. If I’m paying for the bandwidth, well, I can stock my
refrigerator any way I want. I didn’t change their site. They were
feeding off of me. If they don’t like the flavor, get out of my
kitchen! (smile)
(I sincerely hope I haven’t offended anyOne because this cracks me
After I posted attention to the IAEA link, IAEA immediately
changed it and it is no longer there. It only takes seconds for a
webmaster to change a site, but the evidence that they had is still
available to tech masters (far beyond my ability).
Until last month, I also had access to see which
were frequenting mine and the
percentages etc, and I’ve posted that information on my site as
well. Suddenly, that information has been blocked to me. Now how did
that happen?
Click on image for enlargement.

What I used to see
What I see now (sigh)
May 2003
June 2004