Public School Videos
Recruiting Our Children to Islam
Part 2

The profession of the faith, the first pillar of Islam means to believe that there is no God but the divine supreme creator of everything.

The second pillar is prayer, which holds this community together by means of certain common gestures in their worship and turns men’s minds towards their creator.

[facts about how to pray edited out]

At the center of prayer and the meeting place for the whole community, a mosque presupposes a city light all around it and so a mosque built today in the heart of the city reminds us of what the prophet foresaw in the beginning, his word addressed to the people of the city, the tradesmen, craftsmen and workers.

[facts of the pillars of Islam edited out]

The fourth pillar of Islam is this month of fasting. More faithfully observed than Lent in the Christian world requires the faithful to refrain from food and drink from dawn to dusk, in spirit of sacrifice and purification out of respect for this month, when the revelation came down to the earth for the first time.


The fifth and last pillar of the faith is pilgrimage to Mecca, [said with extreme cherish], the holiest place of Islam. Here, the sense of community reaches its highest points with the really universal dimension. [Arabic prayers in background]. Looking at this crowd, so mixed in nationality, culture and wealth, we have to put to ourselves a question [slowly and deliberately]: How has Islam kept this unity for 13 centuries? This belief in the soul of God of whom Muhammad is the prophet?

[perhaps at the edge of a sword? Muslims are tortured, imprisoned and killed if they convert to Christianity or deny Allah...but this isn’t the answer they are trying to lead children to. They should have said, "This belief in the soul of God AND THAT Muhammad is the prophet...but they didn’t. They are stating once again Muhammad IS the prophet]

[explanation of Islamic law, with a qualifier "in his religion..."]

In tax matters, the Quran is very clear. As the third pillar of the faith, every believer has to pay zaqat. Zaqat is not a kind of tax that governments levy on the public but it is an act of monetary worship. The Quran has generally mentioned [Muslim prayers chanting in background] zaqat after prayer and has enjoined it as an important foundation of the divine religion which has been the creed of the former prophets in all ages.

[Why are our children told Islam is the divine religion?]

[Much is written about women, moved to the end. There is a long pause and would would suspect a splice to a different video at this point. Focus is on the split after Muhammad’s death, then...]

"Do not yield yourselves out to the infidels, struggle against them drawing strength from the Quran. Fight the agents of satan, his traps are truly weak."

[watch this next paragraph carefully] The word of God made the inhabitants of Arabia forget their squabbles and transformed them into historical figures. The reasons for the overwhelming victories of young Islam are partially beyond our knowledge. How did the Arabs come to break out of their desert at a single stroke and abandon the life they knew as merchants, caravan followers and shepherds? There was a sudden explosion of energy reaching further and further in successive waves and a conversion of the conquered country was measured by the enthusiasm of the warriors and genius of the leaders.

[Gosh, what conclusions are they fishing for?]

"If 20 bold men are to be found among you, they are worth 200. If you have 100, they will be worth a thousand unbelievers."

Facing the attack of a handful of ill-equipped nomads, the two great empires of Byzantium and Sassanid Persia revealed themselves as impotent. The first four caliphs, successors of the prophet, were Abu-Bakra, father-in-law and companion of the prophet who died from an illness two years later. Then Omar, followed by Othman, and last of all, Ali, son-in-law of the prophet.

These three were all murdered in dramatic circumstances, but it was in this atmosphere of tension over a period of 25 years that the Muslims became masters of the whole Arabic peninsula. Capturing from Byzantium, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, installing themselves in Tripoli, landing on Cyprus and after numerous battles, conquering the whole of Persia, advancing toward India and Central Asia, ALL this in 25 years.

[So does that mean that all the gods of successful conquerors were true as well?]

To account for such EXTRAORDINARY successes, the high middle ages finds no explanation other than divine will. For some the invaders were the supernatural forces of the anti-Christ, for others they were judges sent by God.

Certainly the religious element must not be underestimated. The new faith, praising its disciple’s struggles, promising them victory or paradise played a determining role.

[a’ la suicide bombers]

"We shall grant a reward without limit to whoever fights along God’s road, whether he be killed or victorious."

[History repeats itself, except TODAY we are teaching our children and flooding the media with claims that Islam is peaceful even as they are killing us]

But the rapid collapse of the Persian Empire and the Sassanid dynasty, and the retreat of the Byzantium empire is also accounted for by their own state of impotence and degradation.

Here are the ruins of the Byzantine city. If such mighty walls were overcome and if so many monuments like these were smashed down, it was because the advancing Arabs sometimes found only shadows defying them. The empires against which the turbulent young Arab armies of Islam measure themselves concealed behind their phasods of power the far advanced weakness of a very sick body undermined by social inequalities and religious squabbles and these were made worse by the authoritarianism of its princes. Moreover, these two great empires had been exhausting themselves in skirmishes and wars for many generations, capturing and recapturing the provinces which Islam was about to take for good. ["about to take for good" slowed down and emphasized with finality].

[Not only do the producers of this video state as fact that Allah is god, they also state as fact that Islam will not fail.]

The local populations were very quick to greet the newcomers as representatives of a more just society.

[much is written about expanding to different lands and contributions (math, science, etc.) edited out]

Come face to face with the invaders, the barbarous Europe of the Lombards and the Franks seemed for a long time incapable of any reaction, petrified for fear of seeing Christianity disappear beneath the forces of the anti-Christ.

[Or maybe they just weren’t paying attention, or were told Islam was they tell us today.]

The Spain which we are looking at here, with all signs of Christianity deeply integrated into every day life, was nonetheless shaped by Islam for eight centuries.

The conquest was easy.

[so it will be if John Kerry gets into office]

[Much about mosques edited out]

[The following and the theme of this video is amazing. They admit they conquered nations by sword (though they left out many slaughters and selling women and children as slaves...) They talk about the Crusades and the violence, but it’s only wrong when others fight. When Islam conquers through violence, they claim]:

The violence of the conquest has been forgotten. Islam, as a civilization, has left behind enormous traces on the continent of Europe. For several centuries, the different faiths have mingled, bringing about the peaceful relationships which are the only ones that can insure the peace of the world.

[Back and forth, congratulations and divine intervention when Islam wins, peace and forgiveness once they have the land...sounds familiar]

From here the Muslims, bearers of the word of the prophet, made themselves known in successive raids along the valley of the Hindus and then, throughout all India. These were bold excursions, the results of which came to be of more and more importance to the future of India. On the high plateau of Afghanistan which is battered by the winds, they built triumphal towers. Nothing, or almost nothing, remains of the glory of (Ghaz-da), the town from which, round about the year 1,000, the real Muslim conquest of India began.

[descriptions of Ghazda edited out]

[Much about world events today, and then,]

While looking at these scenes of progress, roads under construction, airports, bridges, universities and harbors, the question has to be asked. What will the future of Islam be?

Let us look at one of the Muslim countries, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where Islam began. New schools, colleges and universities teach the young Muslim generation modern techniques within the frame of Islamic principals.

[Exactly. The Madrassahs and textbooks full of hatred for us found today in Saudi Arabia are within the frame of Islamic principals.]

[Much about telecommunications, modern appliances, etc., and then the kicker]

Now the airlines are covering the world. America, Europe, far East and Africa.

One thing is certain, with the stimulus of progress, Islam, like Christianity, will change its face and in doing that will change the culture of which –ITS- the bulwark.

[wow, really paused and emphasized that].

But it is not only the universities. Everywhere amongst the people there is an enormous quest for knowledge. Today the youth of Islam is going to tackle the world with the same enthusiasm which once urged their fathers onwards to conquer. A double enthusiasm for freedom and faith. Today their union includes nearly a billion people who, through the Quran, affirm their membership in a single community. In many professions, these people are conscious of a certainty. It is a certainty which came to them in the 7th century but which remains of value as a guiding principal for life and as a light for the future until the end of time no matter how modern the world. There is no divinity but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God. (calls of prayer to allah)

Wow what a shocking ending. That last sentence—every word said deliberately with stern finality, very slowly, almost angrily.

***Women and Islam****

The Quran also gives guidelines for upgrading the women’s status in the society. For instance, a man is permitted to marry up to only four wives at the same time, but he must treat them equally and women have the right to inherit property.

[It must have been worse before Islam]

In the case of divorce, Islam does not involve a complicated or a long procedure. The grounds for divorce in Islam however are more liberal than in the west. They are not limited to proving adultery or cruelty or long separation. The couple may apply for separation simply when they realize they cannot live together happily for any reason. When divorce is completed, the wife has to wait a certain period of time after separation of her husband, by death or divorce, before she can remarry.

[ does that explain Zorah, whom I met, desperately trying to escape her husband who had the right to kill her for leaving him?]

In the case of custody of children, Islam proscribed that the mother who is not incapacitated by a mental, moral or religious cause, has the first right to custody of her child, boy or girl, until the child reaches the age of 7, when the right of custody reverts to the father. The father has to support the child until such time as he can manage by himself if a boy, or gets married if a girl.

[Mom is incapacitated by her religion?]

A girl does not have to earn her own living. Her support is the duty of her father until she marries.

[Is this how they describe it when they lock the women in the house and daughters can’t go to school?]